Thursday, May 1, 2008

Call for ideas

We are all very anxious to find out what’s going to happen at IdeaCampPune. Hence, would request all the participants to send a preview of their ‘idea’. We can chew on it later at the event.

Don’t let your ideas be there just in your minds or Powerpoint presentation. There are no constraints on the flavour of your proposed ideas, but they should be early stage ideas or pre-seed ideas.

Your ideas can germinate in a new business or a new way of doing things or can bring social change or can lift people's aspirations.

There is no structured format for these sessions, but just to make each session more focused, here is what I am proposing…
  • Post a brief preview of your idea on this blog. (Send me a mail for permissions)
  • During the actual session you will introduce your idea. Will give an overview about what problem you are trying to solve or a need/opportunity you are trying to tackle. How do you propose to attempt at it? Who is target audience and how they will benefit from it.
  • The group attending your session will brainstorm further on your idea. Collectively the group should come up with a more detailed plan for taking this idea further.
  • Assign someone to make notes of the entire session. Someone else can take pictures of the sketches made on flip charts or boards while brainstorming. (Participants can volunteer themselves fro this activity)
  • The collected ideas, thoughts, action plans and concept models can then be posted on the blog as ‘proof of potential’.

So go ahead and start posting your ideas!

1 comment:

Harshal @ Snehapadma said...

How about peak season traffic management for ST? sketchy details on